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100%: George Laskaris/ Dimitris Tatakis/ Eleana Stoufi: Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases (ISBN: 9783031108280) Erstausgabe, in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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75%: George Laskaris/ Dimitris Tatakis/ Eleana Stoufi: Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases (ISBN: 9783031108273) Springer Berlin, in Englisch, Broschiert.
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Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases
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Bester Preis: Fr. 122.75 (€ 130.18)¹ (vom 28.12.2023)1
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases
ISBN: 9783031108280 bzw. 3031108280, vermutlich in Englisch, Springer Nature, neu, Erstausgabe, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd, zzgl. Versandkosten.
This comprehensive atlas illustrates the important relationship between periodontal and systemic health and disease with a wealth of superb illustrations. The periodontium as a part of the oral tissues is of great interest to dentists and its importance extends beyond local disorders to a wide range of conditions that may affect periodontal health. The atlas covers both local and systemic disorders including inflammatory diseases, developmental disorders, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, cancer and a vast number of other diseases, that may present with gingival or periodontal lesions. Now in its 2nd edition, Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases helps periodontists, oral medicine specialists, general dentists, and dental students to diagnose and manage patients with complex medical problems. The book is unique because no other books specifically focused on the periodontal manifestations of oral and systemic diseases have been available in this form. Nineteen years after the first edition the book has been almost entirely rewritten, expanded and updated. Over 50% of the pictorial material has been renewed and enriched with high quality color images. The book is written by a team of experienced experts and will be a valuable resource for the community. eBook.
This comprehensive atlas illustrates the important relationship between periodontal and systemic health and disease with a wealth of superb illustrations. The periodontium as a part of the oral tissues is of great interest to dentists and its importance extends beyond local disorders to a wide range of conditions that may affect periodontal health. The atlas covers both local and systemic disorders including inflammatory diseases, developmental disorders, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, cancer and a vast number of other diseases, that may present with gingival or periodontal lesions. Now in its 2nd edition, Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases helps periodontists, oral medicine specialists, general dentists, and dental students to diagnose and manage patients with complex medical problems. The book is unique because no other books specifically focused on the periodontal manifestations of oral and systemic diseases have been available in this form. Nineteen years after the first edition the book has been almost entirely rewritten, expanded and updated. Over 50% of the pictorial material has been renewed and enriched with high quality color images. The book is written by a team of experienced experts and will be a valuable resource for the community. eBook.
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases
ISBN: 9783031108280 bzw. 3031108280, in Deutsch, Springer International Publishing, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandkostenfrei, In stock (Download).
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases
ISBN: 9783031108280 bzw. 3031108280, in Deutsch, Springer International Publishing, Springer International Publishing, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandkostenfrei, in stock.
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases - Color Atlas and Text: ab 213.99 €.
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases - Color Atlas and Text: ab 213.99 €.
Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases
ISBN: 9783031108280 bzw. 3031108280, in Englisch, Vitalsource Technologies, Inc.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen