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100%: Otomo, Ruriko: Linking Language, Trade and Migration (eBook, PDF) (ISBN: 9783031332340) 2008, in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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100%: Ruriko Otomo: Linking Language Trade and Migration (ISBN: 9783031332333) Springer Berlin, in Deutsch, Broschiert.
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Linking Language, Trade and Migration (eBook, PDF) - 4 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: Fr. 4.49 (€ 4.76)¹ (vom 30.06.2023)1
Linking Language, Trade and Migration (2008)
ISBN: 9783031332340 bzw. 3031332342, vermutlich in Englisch, Springer Nature, neu, signiert, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Lagernd, zzgl. Versandkosten.
This book examines the effect of trade policy on language which represents an underrecognized area in the field of language policy and planning. It argues that trade policies like Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) have important consequences for national language (education) policies and for discourses about language and nation. Since 2008, Japan has signed the EPAs with Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam to recruit migrant nurses and eldercare workers and manage their mobility by means of pre-employment language training and the Japanese-medium licensure examinations. Through the analysis of these language management devices, this book demonstrates that the EPAs are a manifestation and representation of contemporary language issues intertwined particularly with pressing issues of Japan’s social aging and demographic change. As the EPAs are intertwined with welfare, economy, social cohesion, and international political and economic relations and competitiveness, the book presents a far more complex picture of and a richer potential of language policy. eBook.
This book examines the effect of trade policy on language which represents an underrecognized area in the field of language policy and planning. It argues that trade policies like Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) have important consequences for national language (education) policies and for discourses about language and nation. Since 2008, Japan has signed the EPAs with Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam to recruit migrant nurses and eldercare workers and manage their mobility by means of pre-employment language training and the Japanese-medium licensure examinations. Through the analysis of these language management devices, this book demonstrates that the EPAs are a manifestation and representation of contemporary language issues intertwined particularly with pressing issues of Japan’s social aging and demographic change. As the EPAs are intertwined with welfare, economy, social cohesion, and international political and economic relations and competitiveness, the book presents a far more complex picture of and a richer potential of language policy. eBook.
Linking Language Trade and Migration
ISBN: 9783031332333 bzw. 3031332334, in Deutsch, Springer Berlin, gebundenes Buch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandkostenfrei, published soon.
*Linking Language Trade and Migration* - Economic Partnership Agreements as Language Policy in Japan. 1st ed. 2023 / gebundene Ausgabe für 117.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Gebundene, Ausgaben.
*Linking Language Trade and Migration* - Economic Partnership Agreements as Language Policy in Japan. 1st ed. 2023 / gebundene Ausgabe für 117.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Gebundene, Ausgaben.
Linking Language, Trade and Migration
ISBN: 9783031332340 bzw. 3031332342, in Englisch, Vitalsource Technologies, Inc.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
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