The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga
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Bester Preis: Fr. 30.42 ( 32.40)¹ (vom 05.06.2022)
9784723909208 - A, Subramanyamu: The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga
A, Subramanyamu

The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland DE NW

ISBN: 9784723909208 bzw. 4723909206, in Deutsch, neu.

Fr. 30.42 ( 32.40)¹
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, 2-3 Werktage.
SHAD-DARSANAS Orthodox systems of Indian philosophy are presented in six systems (shaddarsanas) of which we find the Sarnkhya and Yoga systems. The orthodox Indian philosophical systems were developed as a result of knowledge filtered down after long philosophical enquiries by sages through the Vedic, Brahmanic, Upanisadic, and Puranic periods of Indian history. Ancient sages of India, out of their spiritual realizations and contemplative visions, developed these systems. The word 'darsana' means direct perception, contemplative vision, or spiritual revelation. It also indicates knowledge or insight. When used in the philosophical sense, 'darsana' means knowledge about taltva, the real essence, or the ultimate principle underlying the whole phenomenal creation. And the sage who is the seer or perceiver of the reality, the essential principle (tattva) is known as one to whom the truth has been revealed as tattva-darsin. Darsanas, as philosophical systems constitute the store of knowledge about the tattva derived by a seer or sage through direct spiritual revelation or vision. The six systems of Indian philosophical thought have been founded by different sages who perceived the same truth but from different angles and to varying depths, None, von A, Subramanyamu, Neu.
9784723909208 - The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga

The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga (2022)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN PB NW

ISBN: 9784723909208 bzw. 4723909206, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.

Fr. 43.19 ( 46.01)¹
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
SHAD-DARSANAS Orthodox systems of Indian philosophy are presented in six systems (shaddarsanas) of which we find the Sarnkhya and Yoga systems. The orthodox Indian philosophical systems were developed as a result of knowledge filtered down after long philosophical enquiries by sages through the Vedic, Brahmanic, Upanisadic, and Puranic periods of Indian history. Ancient sages of India, out of their spiritual realizations and contemplative visions, developed these systems. The word 'darsana' means direct perception, contemplative vision, or spiritual revelation. It also indicates knowledge or insight. When used in the philosophical sense, 'darsana' means knowledge about taltva, the real essence, or the ultimate principle underlying the whole phenomenal creation. And the sage who is the seer or perceiver of the reality, the essential principle (tattva) is known as one to whom the truth has been revealed as tattva-darsin. Darsanas, as philosophical systems constitute the store of knowledge about the tattva derived by a seer or sage through direct spiritual revelation or vision. The six systems of Indian philosophical thought have been founded by different sages who perceived the same truth but from different angles and to varying depths, None, Spiritualiteit, Alle spiritualiteit, Engelse Boeken > Spiritualiteit > Alle spiritualiteit.
9784723909208 - Subramanyamu A: The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga
Subramanyamu A

The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland DE PB NW

ISBN: 9784723909208 bzw. 4723909206, in Deutsch, HydHBFARAZ, HydHBFARAZ, Taschenbuch, neu.

Fr. 30.50 ( 32.49)¹
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, in stock.
The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga: ab 32.49 €.
4723909206 - Subramanyamu A: The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga
Subramanyamu A

The concept of mind with special reference to Samkhya yoga

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN PB NW

ISBN: 4723909206 bzw. 9784723909208, vermutlich in Englisch, HydHBFARAZ, Taschenbuch, neu.

Fr. 30.50 ( 32.49)¹ + Versand: Fr. 23.47 ( 25.00)¹ = Fr. 53.97 ( 57.49)¹
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