THE HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. - ein Angebot gefunden
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ISBN: 9784969080853 bzw. 4969080852, Sprache unbekannt, Words Citadel Family, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Österreich, zzgl. Versandkosten.
The Hook, Line and Sinker" is a book inspired by the Holy Spirit to enlighten and transform lost souls, simply to bring the will of the Divine to expression here on Earth. Delightful melodies from the rivers of Zion as well pivot the journey of this edition. Each book has mysteries that are unique from the others throughout time. . This edition indeed conveys a message of restoration to the vulnerable souls. Jesus Christ is the nucleus of this book and the obvious reason why the Holy Spirit initiated it into being. Many people have lost hope in life. While others are on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately, the majority of people out there cannot find a way to stabilize their lives, which has led to total frustration. . Our existence prevails because of a grace that never fails. Every soul belongs to the King of glory who reigns beyond the knowledge of man. More than that, our soul has the right to decide which reality it should visualise. Yet, even if we go astray because of our wrong decisions, God still gives us hope to find life. Christ is the answer to all the unanswered questions of life. . He is the reason for yesterday's greatness, today's splendour and tomorrow's glory. Furthermore, He solves problems beyond our limits. There is no doubt that nothing works in motion and produces good fruits when the impacts of accurate knowledge are ignored through time. It is one of the reasons why the Holy Spirit is calling you today to pick up this great edition. He wants to share with you the ideas that have never been notified in your secret place.
The Hook, Line and Sinker" is a book inspired by the Holy Spirit to enlighten and transform lost souls, simply to bring the will of the Divine to expression here on Earth. Delightful melodies from the rivers of Zion as well pivot the journey of this edition. Each book has mysteries that are unique from the others throughout time. . This edition indeed conveys a message of restoration to the vulnerable souls. Jesus Christ is the nucleus of this book and the obvious reason why the Holy Spirit initiated it into being. Many people have lost hope in life. While others are on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately, the majority of people out there cannot find a way to stabilize their lives, which has led to total frustration. . Our existence prevails because of a grace that never fails. Every soul belongs to the King of glory who reigns beyond the knowledge of man. More than that, our soul has the right to decide which reality it should visualise. Yet, even if we go astray because of our wrong decisions, God still gives us hope to find life. Christ is the answer to all the unanswered questions of life. . He is the reason for yesterday's greatness, today's splendour and tomorrow's glory. Furthermore, He solves problems beyond our limits. There is no doubt that nothing works in motion and produces good fruits when the impacts of accurate knowledge are ignored through time. It is one of the reasons why the Holy Spirit is calling you today to pick up this great edition. He wants to share with you the ideas that have never been notified in your secret place.
Kategorie: Taschenbuch Taschenbuch > Sachbuch > Ratgeber > Ratgeber > Lebensführung
Schlüsselwörter: THE HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.;O. E, Stephen;9784969080853
Daten vom 28.03.2023 22:18h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 4-9690808-5-2, 978-4-9690808-5-3
Schlüsselwörter: THE HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.;O. E, Stephen;9784969080853
Daten vom 28.03.2023 22:18h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 4-9690808-5-2, 978-4-9690808-5-3
Zuerst gefunden: 28.03.2023 22:18:31
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.03.2023 22:18:31
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 25.45 (€ 26.99)¹ (vom 28.03.2023 22:18:31)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 25.45 (€ 26.99)¹ (vom 28.03.2023 22:18:31)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.03.2023 22:18:31
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 25.45 (€ 26.99)¹ (vom 28.03.2023 22:18:31)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 25.45 (€ 26.99)¹ (vom 28.03.2023 22:18:31)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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