Family Environment And Risk-Taking In Adolescents As A Function Of Ethnicity And Gender
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Bester Preis: Fr. 51.45 ( 54.49)¹ (vom 03.09.2022)
9785628411995 - Family Environment And Risk-Taking In Adolescents As A Function Of Ethnicity And Gender

Family Environment And Risk-Taking In Adolescents As A Function Of Ethnicity And Gender (2022)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN PB NW

ISBN: 9785628411995 bzw. 562841199X, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.

Fr. 52.32 ( 55.41)¹
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
When I first time joined as a TGT (S.St) in a public school, I observed that the student of class 9th to 12th suffering from lots of pressure and dilemma to choose their subject stream and career choices. Some feel there parents are too much involved towards it. Some feel that they are neglected by their parents. As they all belonged to adolescence age group, faced so many emotional, physical, mental changes and became more sensitive. I always shared my observation with my brother, cousin and his friends which also belong to this particular age group. Lack of facilities, less information, parents aspiration were the general topic of discussions and these discussions gave me insight to conduct research on adolescents age groups, student's of class 10th -12th .Naturally, when I decided to register myself for Ph.D. degree in Psychology, my choice of topic had to be influenced and determined by my above observation. I chose family environment because it mould the adolescent in right direction or according to acceptance in society, risk taking and uncertainty is a part of adolescent's life, not in a negative way, in a positive way also. In 21st Century, risk takers are more successful than non risk takers, they grab opportunities in life. Types of family environment influence risk taking tendency among adolescents both make a big impact on each other. In this regard, gender, School & studieboeken, Alle school & studieboeken, Engelse Boeken > School & studieboeken > Alle school & studieboeken.
562841199X - Sharma Seema: Family Environment And Risk-Taking In Adolescents As A Function Of Ethnicity And Gender
Sharma Seema

Family Environment And Risk-Taking In Adolescents As A Function Of Ethnicity And Gender

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN PB NW

ISBN: 562841199X bzw. 9785628411995, vermutlich in Englisch, Labour Law Advisor, Taschenbuch, neu.

Fr. 51.45 ( 54.49)¹ + Versand: Fr. 23.61 ( 25.00)¹ = Fr. 75.05 ( 79.49)¹
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