Make Her Chase You - 2 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: Fr. 7.04 ( 7.49)¹ (vom 11.07.2020)
9787411918520 - harry johnson: Make Her Chase You
harry johnson

Make Her Chase You

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland NW EB DL

ISBN: 9787411918520 bzw. 7411918520, Sprache unbekannt, Harry Johnson, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Fr. 7.04 ( 7.49)¹ + Versand: Fr. 21.61 ( 23.00)¹ = Fr. 28.65 ( 30.49)¹
Make Her Chase You: Make her chase you (The quick and easy step on how to attract any lady and make her obsessed about you)&nbsp What makes a man ideal and irresistible to women &nbsp So much for the assumption that all a lady wants is money and more money, good looks and sweet tongue. Well as much as that&#39 s needed it&#39 s important you know that women want more!!!&nbsp Guys, if you want to be chased you got to level up. In this book you will discover : &bull &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The qualities that makes you an ideal man regardless of the location you find yourself in the universe.&nbsp &bull &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What women want.&nbsp &bull &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The place of character and attitude in making a woman desire you.&nbsp &bull &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What to do to turn the table around and be chased.&nbsp &bull &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp How to be a ladies man (that&#39 s the most important one).&nbsp Women have different hierarchies of needs when it comes to what they look for in a potential spouse/partners. This book is important to any guy who is looking to evolve and become a better version of himself.&nbsp This book is going to serve as a great self-check and make you introspective and help you decipher areas of your life that needs to be worked on.&nbsp If you seek to be the best version of yourself, if you desire to be every ladies man, if you desire to be chased even as a man then this book is for you. &nbsp, Englisch, Ebook.
9787411918520 - <extra1></extra1>: Make Her Chase You

Make Her Chase You

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Italien NW

ISBN: 9787411918520 bzw. 7411918520, Sprache unbekannt, Harry Johnson, neu.

Fr. 7.04 ( 7.49)¹ + Versand: Fr. 12.73 ( 13.55)¹ = Fr. 19.77 ( 21.04)¹
Lieferung aus: Italien, 3 - 4 gg.