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Summary of the book of thinking in the light of systems
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Summary of the book of thinking in the light of systems

ISBN: 9787657338786 bzw. 7657338784, in Deutsch, Sahla Books, neu, Hörbuch.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Poverty, hunger, addiction and unemployment are all problems that we have always tried to find solutions to them, but all solutions fail. The reason for this is that we are dealing with the offer and leave the origin of the problem: the system that it produced. This is how Donella Meadows presented its book to be a reason for changing our thinking, since we are used to blame the external conditions that are not playing ourselves, our society, and the regimes that we live and interact with. The system is a group of things, interconnected with each other that produces a certain behavior with the passage of time. So the school is a system. The economy is a system and air -conditioning system, and we ourselves as human beings we prepare a system. Hörbuch-Downloads.
Poverty, hunger, addiction and unemployment are all problems that we have always tried to find solutions to them, but all solutions fail. The reason for this is that we are dealing with the offer and leave the origin of the problem: the system that it produced. This is how Donella Meadows presented its book to be a reason for changing our thinking, since we are used to blame the external conditions that are not playing ourselves, our society, and the regimes that we live and interact with. The system is a group of things, interconnected with each other that produces a certain behavior with the passage of time. So the school is a system. The economy is a system and air -conditioning system, and we ourselves as human beings we prepare a system. Hörbuch-Downloads.

Summary of the book of thinking in the light of systems

ISBN: 9787657338786 bzw. 7657338784, in Deutsch, Sahla Books, Sahla Books, neu, Hörbuch, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, in stock.
Summary of the book of thinking in the light of systems: ab 6.99 €.
Summary of the book of thinking in the light of systems: ab 6.99 €.