Study of Sleep Pattern Among University Students - ein Angebot gefunden
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Study of Sleep Pattern Among University Students
ISBN: 9787950633700 bzw. 7950633700, Sprache unbekannt, A R Enterprises, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Sleep is a paradoxical element of health. Typically, there is no advice on how to sleep ¿better. On the rare occasion when doctors address sleep, they might offer, ¿Get the sleep you need. But how much does an ¿average adult need? Six hours? Seven? Ten? Among teenagers, this becomes even more ambiguous. Lay ideas about sleep requirements abound and often conflict with researchers findings that teens should be sleeping more than 9 hours per night. ¿Be able to wake without an alarm in the morning is good advice for getting adequate sleep, but this is likely to require going to bed at a time when many other things are happening, including engaging in activities outside the home like sports or other recreation, completing schoolwork, eating dinner, watching TV, communicating with friends or simply talking with your family. Most adolescents need slightly more than 9 hours of sleep each night, although this varies slightly among individuals. Sufficient sleep is the amount necessary to permit optimal daytime functioning. The two most significant signs that indicate that an adolescent probably had insufficient sleep include the changes in mood and decreased motivation, which often result in emotional and behavioural difficulties. College students tend to sleep typically late at night, and hence, wake up later. Thus, a majority of them manifest symptoms of delayed sleep wake syndrome which is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) leading to poor scholastic performance.
Sleep is a paradoxical element of health. Typically, there is no advice on how to sleep ¿better. On the rare occasion when doctors address sleep, they might offer, ¿Get the sleep you need. But how much does an ¿average adult need? Six hours? Seven? Ten? Among teenagers, this becomes even more ambiguous. Lay ideas about sleep requirements abound and often conflict with researchers findings that teens should be sleeping more than 9 hours per night. ¿Be able to wake without an alarm in the morning is good advice for getting adequate sleep, but this is likely to require going to bed at a time when many other things are happening, including engaging in activities outside the home like sports or other recreation, completing schoolwork, eating dinner, watching TV, communicating with friends or simply talking with your family. Most adolescents need slightly more than 9 hours of sleep each night, although this varies slightly among individuals. Sufficient sleep is the amount necessary to permit optimal daytime functioning. The two most significant signs that indicate that an adolescent probably had insufficient sleep include the changes in mood and decreased motivation, which often result in emotional and behavioural difficulties. College students tend to sleep typically late at night, and hence, wake up later. Thus, a majority of them manifest symptoms of delayed sleep wake syndrome which is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) leading to poor scholastic performance.
Kategorie: Taschenbuch Taschenbuch > Sachbuch > Ratgeber > Gesundheit, Körperpflege > Sonstiges
Schlüsselwörter: Study of Sleep Pattern Among University Students;Shah, Chinmay;9787950633700
Daten vom 29.12.2022 13:46h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 7-950633-70-0, 978-7-950633-70-0
Schlüsselwörter: Study of Sleep Pattern Among University Students;Shah, Chinmay;9787950633700
Daten vom 29.12.2022 13:46h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 7-950633-70-0, 978-7-950633-70-0
Zuerst gefunden: 29.12.2022 13:46:37
Zuletzt gefunden: 29.12.2022 13:46:37
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 32.87 (€ 34.99)¹ (vom 29.12.2022 13:46:37)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 32.87 (€ 34.99)¹ (vom 29.12.2022 13:46:37)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 29.12.2022 13:46:37
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 32.87 (€ 34.99)¹ (vom 29.12.2022 13:46:37)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 32.87 (€ 34.99)¹ (vom 29.12.2022 13:46:37)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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Shah, Chinmay: Study of Sleep Pattern Among University Students
ISBN: 9787950633700
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