Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena: Author: Dove
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9788230009871 - Tove Stoeckel/Dove River: Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena
Tove Stoeckel/Dove River

Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Grossbritannien und Nordirland EN PB NW FE

ISBN: 9788230009871 bzw. 8230009872, in Englisch, 140 Seiten, Kolofon Forlag AS, Taschenbuch, neu, Erstausgabe.

Fr. 10.56 (£ 8.00)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Grossbritannien und Nordirland, Usually dispatched within 24 hours.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Kolofon Forlag AS.
TOVE STOECKEL/DOVE RIVER Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena The book is an open expression of a personal love overcoming what is separating Heaven and Earth. Dove River is the common noun for Tove Stoeckel and her Higher Self and half, Jesus. Tove is a reincarnation of Maria Magdalena. When Jesus appears with Maria Magdalena, revealing the spirit's feminine and masculine soul as one, he does it as an example of love's power to erase the illusion of death. In the future many will perceive the presence of their dual-soul, the completing half, and be part of the inner healing that the Earth so urgently needs, regardless the many creed. What I do you shall do also, said Jesus. The conversations are running freely and have an innate knack of shedding light on relevant questions wherever the book by chance is opened. Tove is acutely aware of today's abuse of animals and nature as well as the precarious situation of children and women. Tove Stoeckel's stay in San Francisco and Los Angeles (1965-1969) proved to be decisive for her spiritual search. The Hippies' message of love and care for all life initiated a lifelong support for animals and nature, the very Earth itself. F. Dostojevskij's book: The Brothers Karamazov, offered at the same time freedom and generosity of the mind, supported by the gentle wisdom of The Christ. She worked as a fashion model and studied acting at the A.C.T., The American Conservatory Theatre. Stoeckel attended the yearly courses Spiritual Psyco Therapy by Ronald P. Beesley, the principal of The College of Psycho Therapeutics, Kent, England (1975-1979). In London (1978-1982) she joined Doreen Cannon's weekly sessions, Actors Studio. Stoeckel collaborated with late Gay Mehegan, composer and musician, Connecticut, US (1983-1985) Tove Stoeckel lives in Norway, close to nature. Paperback, Ausgabe: 1, Label: Kolofon Forlag AS, Kolofon Forlag AS, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2014, Studio: Kolofon Forlag AS.
9788230009871 - Tove Stoeckel: Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena: Author: Dove River
Tove Stoeckel

Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena: Author: Dove River (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9788230009871 bzw. 8230009872, in Englisch, 101 Seiten, Kolofon Forlag AS, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, E-Book zum Download.
TOVE STOECKEL/DOVE RIVER Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena The book is an open expression of a personal love overcoming what is separating Heaven and Earth. Dove River is the common noun for Tove Stoeckel and her Higher Self and half, Jesus. Tove is a reincarnation of Maria Magdalena. When Jesus appears with Maria Magdalena, revealing the spirit’s feminine and masculine soul as one, he does it as an example of love’s power to erase the illusion of death. In the future many will perceive the presence of their dual-soul, the completing half, and be part of the inner healing that the Earth so urgently needs, regardless the many creed. What I do you shall do also, said Jesus. The conversations are running freely and have an innate knack of shedding light on relevant questions wherever the book by chance is opened. Tove is acutely aware of today’s abuse of animals and nature as well as the precarious situation of children and women. Tove Stoeckel’s stay in San Francisco and Los Angeles (1965-1969) proved to be decisive for her spiritual search. The Hippies’ message of love and care for all life initiated a lifelong support for animals and nature, the very Earth itself. F. Dostojevskij’s book: The Brothers Karamazov, offered at the same time freedom and generosity of the mind, supported by the gentle wisdom of The Christ. She worked as a fashion model and studied acting at the A.C.T., The American Conservatory Theatre. Stoeckel attended the yearly courses Spiritual Psyco Therapy by Ronald P. Beesley, the principal of The College of Psycho Therapeutics, Kent, England (1975-1979). In London (1978-1982) she joined Doreen Cannon’s weekly sessions, Actors Studio. Stoeckel collaborated with late Gay Mehegan, composer and musician, Connecticut, US (1983-1985) Tove Stoeckel lives in Norway, close to nature. Kindle Edition, Format: Kindle eBook, Label: Kolofon Forlag AS, Kolofon Forlag AS, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2014-07-03, Freigegeben: 2014-07-03, Studio: Kolofon Forlag AS, Verkaufsrang: 2492187.
9788230009871 - Tove Stoeckel: Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena: Author: Dove River
Tove Stoeckel

Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena: Author: Dove River (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9788230009871 bzw. 8230009872, in Englisch, 101 Seiten, Kolofon Forlag AS, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, E-Book zum Download.
TOVE STOECKEL/DOVE RIVER Jesus Christ Speaks with Maria Magdalena The book is an open expression of a personal love overcoming what is separating Heaven and Earth. Dove River is the common noun for Tove Stoeckel and her Higher Self and half, Jesus. Tove is a reincarnation of Maria Magdalena. When Jesus appears with Maria Magdalena, revealing the spirit’s feminine and masculine soul as one, he does it as an example of love’s power to erase the illusion of death. In the future many will perceive the presence of their dual-soul, the completing half, and be part of the inner healing that the Earth so urgently needs, regardless the many creed. What I do you shall do also, said Jesus. The conversations are running freely and have an innate knack of shedding light on relevant questions wherever the book by chance is opened. Tove is acutely aware of today’s abuse of animals and nature as well as the precarious situation of children and women. Tove Stoeckel’s stay in San Francisco and Los Angeles (1965-1969) proved to be decisive for her spiritual search. The Hippies’ message of love and care for all life initiated a lifelong support for animals and nature, the very Earth itself. F. Dostojevskij’s book: The Brothers Karamazov, offered at the same time freedom and generosity of the mind, supported by the gentle wisdom of The Christ. She worked as a fashion model and studied acting at the A.C.T., The American Conservatory Theatre. Stoeckel attended the yearly courses Spiritual Psyco Therapy by Ronald P. Beesley, the principal of The College of Psycho Therapeutics, Kent, England (1975-1979). In London (1978-1982) she joined Doreen Cannon’s weekly sessions, Actors Studio. Stoeckel collaborated with late Gay Mehegan, composer and musician, Connecticut, US (1983-1985) Tove Stoeckel lives in Norway, close to nature. Kindle Edition, Format: Kindle eBook, Label: Kolofon Forlag AS, Kolofon Forlag AS, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2014-07-03, Freigegeben: 2014-07-03, Studio: Kolofon Forlag AS, Verkaufsrang: 2559093.