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Mimetic Depth in Hamlet (eBook, ePUB) - 3 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: Fr. 8.96 (€ 9.49)¹ (vom 28.08.2023)1

Mimetic Depth in Hamlet (eBook, ePUB)

ISBN: 9788230361252 bzw. 8230361258, Sprache unbekannt, Skalden, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Österreich, Sofort per Download lieferbar, Versandkostenfrei innerhalb von Deutschland.
Mimetic Depth in Hamlet reconstructs the theory of character and the perspectives on interpretation inherent in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. More than 400 years after the play was written, its ideas are still novel, and they belong at the center of contemporary discussions about how human behavior and intelligence work. The book argues that Shakespeare had a conceptual understanding of the dynamics that govern his characters. This theme forms a common thread through chapters on the play's conception, the poetics of early modern England, and an analysis of the work that unveils Shakespeare's thinking on interpretation and character.
Mimetic Depth in Hamlet reconstructs the theory of character and the perspectives on interpretation inherent in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. More than 400 years after the play was written, its ideas are still novel, and they belong at the center of contemporary discussions about how human behavior and intelligence work. The book argues that Shakespeare had a conceptual understanding of the dynamics that govern his characters. This theme forms a common thread through chapters on the play's conception, the poetics of early modern England, and an analysis of the work that unveils Shakespeare's thinking on interpretation and character.

Mimetic Depth in Hamlet

ISBN: 9788230361153 bzw. 8230361150, Sprache unbekannt, Skalden, neu.
Lieferung aus: Österreich, Versandfertig in 2-4 Wochen, Versandkostenfrei innerhalb von Deutschland.
Mimetic Depth in Hamlet reconstructs the theory of character and the perspectives on interpretation inherent in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. More than 400 years after the play was written, its ideas are still novel, and they belong at the center of contemporary discussions about how human behavior and intelligence work. The book argues that Shakespeare had a conceptual understanding of the dynamics that govern his characters. This theme forms a common thread through chapters on the play's conception, the poetics of early modern England, and an analysis of the work that unveils Shakespeare's thinking on interpretation and character.
Mimetic Depth in Hamlet reconstructs the theory of character and the perspectives on interpretation inherent in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. More than 400 years after the play was written, its ideas are still novel, and they belong at the center of contemporary discussions about how human behavior and intelligence work. The book argues that Shakespeare had a conceptual understanding of the dynamics that govern his characters. This theme forms a common thread through chapters on the play's conception, the poetics of early modern England, and an analysis of the work that unveils Shakespeare's thinking on interpretation and character.

Mimetic Depth in Hamlet

ISBN: 9788230361245 bzw. 823036124X, in Deutsch, LIGHTNING SOURCE INC, gebundenes Buch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Shipping in 2 weeks.
*Mimetic Depth in Hamlet* / gebundene Ausgabe für 38.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft.
*Mimetic Depth in Hamlet* / gebundene Ausgabe für 38.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Wissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft.