The Security Council Chamber - 3 Angebote vergleichen
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The Security Council Chamber

ISBN: 9788232802036 bzw. 8232802030, Sprache unbekannt, Forlaget Press, neu.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, På lager, pluss frakt.
Books, The Security Council Chamber, The Security Council Chamber at the UN headquarters in New York is a symbolic meeting point for the international community. It is also a telling expression of its era—a testament to the seriousness and optimism of the years immediately following World War II. Few people, however, know that this celebrated venue was created entirely by Norwegian artists and designers. This book tells, for the first time, the entire history of the 20th century's most remarkable meeting space.
Books, The Security Council Chamber, The Security Council Chamber at the UN headquarters in New York is a symbolic meeting point for the international community. It is also a telling expression of its era—a testament to the seriousness and optimism of the years immediately following World War II. Few people, however, know that this celebrated venue was created entirely by Norwegian artists and designers. This book tells, for the first time, the entire history of the 20th century's most remarkable meeting space.