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ISBN: 9788232802197
Bester Preis: Fr. 52.36 (€ 55.73)¹ (vom 01.01.2019)1
Rolf Nesch (1975)
ISBN: 9788232802197 bzw. 8232802197, Sprache unbekannt, Forlaget Press, neu.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, På lager, pluss frakt.
Books, Rolf Nesch, Norwegian journalist Eivind Otto Hjelle (born 1927) tells the story of his friend, German printmaker Rolf Nesch (1893-1975), who fled Nazi Germany in 1933. The scenery, working life and artists such as Edvard Munch in his adopted home of Norway inspired Nesch's expressionist works.
Books, Rolf Nesch, Norwegian journalist Eivind Otto Hjelle (born 1927) tells the story of his friend, German printmaker Rolf Nesch (1893-1975), who fled Nazi Germany in 1933. The scenery, working life and artists such as Edvard Munch in his adopted home of Norway inspired Nesch's expressionist works.