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Bruno and the Brazilian Magic Eraser - 4 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: Fr. 3.75 (€ 3.97)¹ (vom 13.12.2017)1

Bruno and the Brazilian Magic Eraser (2014)

ISBN: 9781987885705 bzw. 1987885708, in Englisch, Caramel Tree Readers, Caramel Tree Readers, Caramel Tree Readers, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, in-stock.
The Caramel Tree Readers Level 4 is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 7 to 9. The diverse, original stories have a word count of approximately 2,000 words. The stories in this series vary with narrative in first person or third person, and they have increased character dialogue, which allows students to develop character studies. They focus on realistic fiction and have settings that students can relate to, but each story has a unique twist that will keep students thinking. Bruno is allergic to fake latex erasers, so he can never make a mistake in school. One day, he receives a package from his uncle in Brazil containing an eraser made from real latex extracted from "magic" rubber trees in the Amazon. Bruno is thrilled with his gift but soon realizes the power of the magic eraser and must decide whether to keep it or not.
The Caramel Tree Readers Level 4 is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 7 to 9. The diverse, original stories have a word count of approximately 2,000 words. The stories in this series vary with narrative in first person or third person, and they have increased character dialogue, which allows students to develop character studies. They focus on realistic fiction and have settings that students can relate to, but each story has a unique twist that will keep students thinking. Bruno is allergic to fake latex erasers, so he can never make a mistake in school. One day, he receives a package from his uncle in Brazil containing an eraser made from real latex extracted from "magic" rubber trees in the Amazon. Bruno is thrilled with his gift but soon realizes the power of the magic eraser and must decide whether to keep it or not.

Bruno And The Brazilian Magic Eraser

ISBN: 9788966299003 bzw. 8966299008, Sprache unbekannt, Caramel Tree Readers, neu.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, In Stock, plus shipping.
Don Macmillan, Books, Bruno And The Brazilian Magic Eraser, The Caramel Tree Readers Level 4 is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 7 to 9. The diverse, original stories have a word count of approximately 2,000 words. The stories in this series vary with narrative in first person or third person, and they have increased character dialogue, which allows students to develop character studies. They focus on realistic fiction and have settings that students can relate to, but each story has a unique twist that will keep students thinking. Bruno is allergic to fake latex erasers, so he can never make a mistake in school. One day, he receives a package from his uncle in Brazil containing an eraser made from real latex extracted from “magic” rubber trees in the Amazon. Bruno is thrilled with his gift but soon realizes the power of the magic eraser and must decide whether to keep it or not.
Don Macmillan, Books, Bruno And The Brazilian Magic Eraser, The Caramel Tree Readers Level 4 is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 7 to 9. The diverse, original stories have a word count of approximately 2,000 words. The stories in this series vary with narrative in first person or third person, and they have increased character dialogue, which allows students to develop character studies. They focus on realistic fiction and have settings that students can relate to, but each story has a unique twist that will keep students thinking. Bruno is allergic to fake latex erasers, so he can never make a mistake in school. One day, he receives a package from his uncle in Brazil containing an eraser made from real latex extracted from “magic” rubber trees in the Amazon. Bruno is thrilled with his gift but soon realizes the power of the magic eraser and must decide whether to keep it or not.