Young Children and Mobile Media - ein Angebot gefunden
Bester Preis: Fr. 29.93 (€ 31.77)¹ (vom 06.06.2020)Aus dem Archiv:

Young Children and Mobile Media

ISBN: 9783030498757 bzw. 3030498751, vermutlich in Englisch, Palgrave, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Japan, Lagernd, zzgl. Versandkosten.
This book investigates young children’s everyday digital practices, embodied digital play, and digital media products – such as mobile applications, digital games, and software tools. The book provides a critical and collective perspective on the ways young children’s mobile media culture is currently being reshaped. The chapters draw on research that extends from the household to social media platforms and public spaces. Moving across these interconnected sites, this book explores how young children are currently configured as consumers, users, and subjects of mobile media technologies. These arrangements of media use are analysed through a conceptual lens of digital dexterity, which locates children’s capacities to use mobile media interfaces and digital products not simply in terms of physical skills or developmental capacities, but importantly, through the design and affordances of mobile technologies and touch-based interfaces, cultures of interactive play and digital parenting, and economies of digital platforms and technology product design. eBook.
This book investigates young children’s everyday digital practices, embodied digital play, and digital media products – such as mobile applications, digital games, and software tools. The book provides a critical and collective perspective on the ways young children’s mobile media culture is currently being reshaped. The chapters draw on research that extends from the household to social media platforms and public spaces. Moving across these interconnected sites, this book explores how young children are currently configured as consumers, users, and subjects of mobile media technologies. These arrangements of media use are analysed through a conceptual lens of digital dexterity, which locates children’s capacities to use mobile media interfaces and digital products not simply in terms of physical skills or developmental capacities, but importantly, through the design and affordances of mobile technologies and touch-based interfaces, cultures of interactive play and digital parenting, and economies of digital platforms and technology product design. eBook.
Kategorie: Books > Cultural and Media Studies
Daten vom 06.06.2020 08:35h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 3-030-49875-1, 978-3-030-49875-7
Daten vom 06.06.2020 08:35h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 3-030-49875-1, 978-3-030-49875-7
Zuerst gefunden: 06.06.2020 08:35:39
Zuletzt gefunden: 06.06.2020 08:35:39
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 29.93 (€ 31.77)¹ (vom 06.06.2020 08:35:39)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 42.73 (€ 45.36)¹ (vom 06.06.2020 08:35:39)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 8
Zuletzt gefunden: 06.06.2020 08:35:39
Kleinster Preis: Fr. 29.93 (€ 31.77)¹ (vom 06.06.2020 08:35:39)
Höchster Preis: Fr. 42.73 (€ 45.36)¹ (vom 06.06.2020 08:35:39)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 8
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