Caretakers Have It Hard (English Edition) - 3 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: Fr. 2.28 ( 2.43)¹ (vom 01.03.2018)
9783599007308 - Lotte Christensen: Caretakers Have It Hard (English Edition)
Lotte Christensen

Caretakers Have It Hard (English Edition) (2018)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9783599007308 bzw. 3599007306, in Englisch, 18 Seiten, Big Three International Publishing, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, E-Book zum Download, Versandkostenfrei.
Sorrow and pleasure of a caretaker. This is an erotic short story about romantic love that clocks in at 2517 words. This story is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: Janitors have a hard time  I was in a house with about 50 apartments caretaker. The owner of the house lived on the entire top floor and had provided me with a small apartment in which I lived. In the basement was my workshop. The work itself was pretty easy. It was never something I could not do. If, yes, if, the women in the apartments did not want me to do the laundry. Lately there have been "disturbances" in which the women of the flat, who are not fully clothed, opened the apartment doors, some of them real beauties, others a bit worn., Kindle Ausgabe, Ausgabe: PublishDrive, Format: Kindle eBook, Label: Big Three International Publishing, Big Three International Publishing, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2018-02-20, Freigegeben: 2018-02-23, Studio: Big Three International Publishing.
9783599007308 - Lotte Christensen: Caretakers Have It Hard
Lotte Christensen

Caretakers Have It Hard (2018)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9783599007308 bzw. 3599007306, in Englisch, 18 Seiten, Big Three International Publishing, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, E-Book zum Download, Versandkostenfrei.
Sorrow and pleasure of a caretaker. This is an erotic short story about romantic love that clocks in at 2517 words. This story is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: Janitors have a hard time  I was in a house with about 50 apartments caretaker. The owner of the house lived on the entire top floor and had provided me with a small apartment in which I lived. In the basement was my workshop. The work itself was pretty easy. It was never something I could not do. If, yes, if, the women in the apartments did not want me to do the laundry. Lately there have been "disturbances" in which the women of the flat, who are not fully clothed, opened the apartment doors, some of them real beauties, others a bit worn., Kindle Edition, Ausgabe: PublishDrive, Format: Kindle eBook, Label: Big Three International Publishing, Big Three International Publishing, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2018-02-20, Freigegeben: 2018-02-23, Studio: Big Three International Publishing.
9783599007308 - Lotte Christensen: Caretakers Have It Hard
Lotte Christensen

Caretakers Have It Hard

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika DE NW EB

ISBN: 9783599007308 bzw. 3599007306, in Deutsch, Big Three International Publishing, neu, E-Book.

Fr. 2.28 ($ 2.99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
Caretakers-Have-It-Hard~~Lotte-Christensen, Caretakers Have It Hard, NOOK Book (eBook).